
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tequila Samples at WalMart!!!!

So, every day is a new day here in Shanghai, ripe for new experiences. You just never know what you are going to get. A few days ago I took Ally's friend Emma home on my scooter. She and I were both in awe as we passed one guy on a bike with not one, but TWO airconditioning units strapped to either side of his bike. The next poor fellow we passed was pedaling along carrying a 15 foot metal pipe. Yep, you got it. Everyday is so exciting. My favorite so far was my most recent trip to Carrefoure (the French owned Chinese version of WalMart). Here I am, quietly wandering through the juice/soda aisle when an employee offers me a sample of orange juice and some sort of rum mixed in a little dixie cup. I just about fell out right there in the middle of the store. Wonders never cease! I really need to carry my camera around and get some good shots for the blog.

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