
Monday, April 27, 2009

Flat Paul In Shanghai

Our great friends, Shelly and Burke Burkhardt, live in Dothan Al. Their son, Aden, is in 2nd grade and sent us a Flat Stanley project to help with. Aden's flat guy is named Flat Paul. I got the chance to run around Shanghai today on errands, so Flat Paul came with me. To get to my destination, I had to take a subway train during rush hour traffic. I think everyone will appreciate NOT having to take these trains everyday to work after checking out these pics!

This was definitely standing room only! 

After running my errands, Flat Paul decided that because he had such a short time to visit China, he would take a ride on a bus..

He couldn't figure out how to get on at first, but then the nice guy helped him out!

He saw lots of people riding bikes, so even though he didn't want to be like the guy carrying all the water on his bike, Flat Paul decided to give a bike a try.

Flat Paul was getting pretty tired from all his running around! So, when he passed this guy on the street, he wished he could take a rest too!
We passed a city worker, trimming the hedges. Flat Paul thought it was crazy to do it by hand, and wondered why the city didn't just buy some hedge trimmers! But then he remembered that hedge trimmers probably cost $75 and you can pay a guy to do it by hand for about $2/hour! That's just common sense! So Flat Paul just decided to accept the inefficiency of city workers, and he headed on his way.
Flat Paul also tried to take a taxi, but since he didn't speak Chinese, he changed his mind.

Flat Paul was hungry, after all his travels, so he stopped at a little convenience store. He made friends with a little boy, who wasn't so eager to get his picture taken!

Flat Paul was getting pretty worn out by now, so he headed back to the subway to get home for some lunch. He thought about picking up some fast food along the way, but thought better of it!

Since it was a little past rush hour, Flat Paul actually got a seat on the ride home!

There were still lots of people at the subway station. Talk about sandwiched like sardines!
Finally, Flat Paul was relieved to get back to his friend's house. Cooper was happy that Flat Paul was back too!
Thanks for visiting us Flat Paul! We had a great time showing you around Shanghai! Bring the Burkhardt's to visit next time!


  1. That is so awesome! Thank you so much! Aden is so excited!! We miss you guys too! I wish I could come visit, I better hear from you this summer though.Love ya.

  2. Hi,
    We had a primary activity where we learned about other countries. Carl's class had China, so we cut and pasted the Flat Paul Story to show everyone modern life in Shanghai. Thanks for the project that we were able to use as well!!!
    The Rodgers
