
Friday, January 29, 2010

Simple Pleasures

I have been told that I don't post often enough and. I have to admit that this is true. It isn't due to lack of time, because I have plenty of free time. It isn't due to lack of material- for China is truly full of writing material. I think the source of my lack of posting is that I fear I will bore my readers with my completely normal life. My sister in law recently started blogging and posts almost daily. She is an excellent writer and is always full of interesting things to say. I realized that just as I enjoy and look forward to reading her posts, many others might enjoy reading more about my day to day life. It doesn't have to be a huge event to warrant a blog entry.

So my topic today is the simple, pure, uncontaminated, unblemished joy of motherhood. Last night I was talking to Rebecca (my sister in law) on the phone. She had called me from the car as she was dropping her little ones off at school. As I listened to her say goodbye to Nigel and Emmaline, I had a moment of clarity, a moment in time that reminded me of just how much I love my little ones. As I heard Rebecca saying "Goodbye, I love you, have a great day!", I could actually feel her smiling at her kids as she said good bye. What I realized is that one of my favorite parts of my day is sending my kids off to school. More importantly, I realized just why I love that part of my day. It isn't because I get the whole day to myself, although that is a bonus... It isn't because I can finally have my own quiet thoughts when they are gone and it isn't because I don't have to listen to the constant little altercations that happen about every 1.5 minutes when they are home. I realized at that moment, that I love sending my little ones out each day to experience a fresh new day... a day, as Anne of Green Gables would say, with no mistakes in it. I love giving them my love, sending them with a prayer and a smile, encouraging them to learn great things, to nurture great friendships. It's the idea that they will accomplish something that day, whether big or small, that they can't accomplish with me. I love the excitement they feel as they leave my safe nest and venture out to school. There is the very real chance that they will come home sad from a hard day or disappointed from a heartbreak. They might get hurt at school or get sick during the day, maybe have a fight with a friend or get frustrated with a teacher. But..... maybe they will make a new friend that day, maybe they will try something new, learn a new trick during recess, or create some wonderful art project. I am thrilled each day as they set out to explore and learn, thrilled at the prospect of who they will become, how their experiences will shape them forever.

I've heard that it's the simple pleasures in life that are the most important.  May tomorrow bring you simple pleasures.


  1. I love it! You're a good mom :) I also love your new background- it's perfect!

  2. You write so well...and capture the simple joys we feel every day. Thanks for putting it all into words. And I fully support you posting more so the rest of us can have a Kitty moment anytime we want! :)

  3. Great post. I really felt it. Love you lots, sis. i miss you guys.
