A friend here in China once said that you haven't truly experienced freedom in China until you own a car. I am in complete agreement. Lee and I discussed buying a car and I was sure that we were completely fine without it. We had our electric scooters and life was good. Between the scooters and the subway we were perfectly mobile and both are super cheap. Then, the weather turned cold. Our first day below 45 and I was on board with the car idea! There's nothing like flying down the road on your scooter with your hands (gloves and all) frozen to the handlebars, snot running down your nose from the cold and your eyes watering so badly you can't even see the road. Then add several bags of groceries on each handlebar and in the basket and a kid complaining on the back that's she's cold. So I gave in and away we went.
Lee is just the best at shopping and research. He is so thorough and patient. I let him choose the car with no strings attached. He chose a Chinese made knock off of the Toyota Forerunner. The company is called Great Wall. Of course, there is a Great Wall car company, Great Wall brand of liquor, Great Wall this, Great Wall that... so anyway, I cannot describe my level of enthusiasm for this car. It seats 7, has leather seats and is a turbo charged diesel. I am so glad to never have to set foot in another stinky taxi in my life! Wohoo! I really thought I would be diligent in taking the scooter, and maybe I will when it's not so stinking cold! Having a car is so nice, I can't even describe how lovely it is to come out of a store, put my bags in the car, drive to another errand, leave my belongings in the car and then when I am finished, go home. We take such simple things for granted in the States. It is so difficult trying to do more than one errand at a time on a scooter because you have to carry all your crap around. I am so happy!